Accomplishments are attainable by people who believe they can make things happen in order to achieve goals. It starts with a WILL to accept certain realities, to adjust or to seek what might be better, and to make the most of what there is to begin with. A person must have the WILL to live, to change, to grow, to flourish, and to keep on improving to the farthest extent possible. There are those who search deep into the physical human body -- medical doctors, those who enjoy studying what minds and behavior are revealing -- psychiatrists and psychologists, those who would rather be present more often with plants--botanists, those who want to be entertained by various animals-- zoologists, those who want to create machines or work with mechanical devices, people who long to explore the depths of the ocean or the outer space or different parts of the earth. Every individual has freedom to choose from among the many options to enjoy life.
Overcome inertia of rest. Overcome the tendency to get stuck with memories of the distant past where sorrows and wounded hearts were experienced. Although it is right to remember the good lessons in history, they are meant to allow a person to avoid the pitfalls, be aware of the right decisions, and to become more productive than the past generations.
With the knowledge of what is best for the body, mind, and spirit, and the WILL to reach only that which are good for any human being, we can find or select options that can and will provide the happiness needed in a lifetime. It is not just for an individual but for those under the guidance of responsible person. So many rich characters may niot have been aware of what was best for them, perhaps because their desire for something specific went to the extent of sacrificing vital aspects of their lives. Obesity, for example, is the result of failing to recognize the negative impact of craving for too much food and surrendering to the desire for a sedentary life. Sleep is good up to a certain number of hours per day. But if the human body does very little activities, eats a lot, and then sleeps beyong 9 hours per day, life can be like storing more and more unnecessary substances in the body until it finally malfunctions because the substances accumulated and did not get converted into kinetic energy otherwise known as work. Furthermore, what kind of work can a slothful character do ?
In the first place, what is the WILL to live ? Is it just the drive of a person to simply do what he wants in life regardless of who might benefit out of it or who might be damaged by bad choices ? Certainly, it should not be understood as a life similar to Hitler's drive to overrun the world. That looks more like the WILL to kill fellowmen just to satisfy personal goals or beliefs. From the simplest yet finest motives, man should seek the kind of life that is known to be righteous: including the very basic act of wanting adequate nourishment of the human body, mind, and spirit, to the highest aim to serve many people who deserve a good life. It means abiding by the laws provided by those who have gone before us, and knowing why those laws are for our own good. This also means rejecting the actions that were proven to be destructive, senseless, and having no value at all. To a lot of people, the act of gaining more knowledge is left to chances in real life experiences. It is not quite a favorable sign of their WILL to live, because the mind of any person should be in control of the greater part of life -- meaning it should have chosen to grow in a certain field of knowledge or set of capabilities. Then that same mind should strive to seek and learn more about his chosen field. When we were young, we needed to be sent to schopol to be guided accordingly. What about after leaving the training ground ?
When that Will to live loses its power, that is the time when problems can begin to grow, starting with the lack of understanding about what might be happening in the present, why certain events are happening, and how to adjust. That will be followed by failures and frustrations. In case it happens in your life ( which can be normal for most people ), rise up and brace yourself for another bout of reformation. We cannot always be up all the time. But we should remember to keep on striving for what is right and best for our lives and the lives of many other people. For that is where happiness and success will always be.