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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-12-01
核心提示:As the housing market and economy continue to flounder, families are turning to an option that was out of vogue during the McMansion age: having siblings share rooms. Globally, and historically, private bedrooms for siblings have been the exception,

    As the housing market and economy continue to flounder, families are turning to an option that was out of vogue during the McMansion age: having siblings share rooms.

    Globally, and historically, private bedrooms for siblings have been the exception, rather than the rule. Most children around the world share bedrooms with their siblings, and sometimes with their parents. But in the U.S., houses have grown larger in recent years, while family sizes have remained roughly steady at around 2 kids. In 1991, the average American home had 1,672 square feet and 53 percent had three or more bedrooms, according to the Washington Post, citing Census data. By 2007, it had grown to 1,789 square feet, and more than 60 percent had three or more bedrooms.

    But the trend toward each child having their own domain may be changing due to economic constraints. Growing families are getting priced out bigger homes, or are having trouble selling their existing places, so they're making do. In Manhattan, for instance, more families are cramming into one-bedroom apartments. From 2000 to 2006, there was a 31% jump in the number of white families and a 19% increase in African-American families with one or more children under the age of 6 living in one-bedroom apartments, reports the New York Times, using an analysis of Manhattan census data.

    When considering whether to have siblings share rooms, space constraints and finances play a major role. But it's also important to consider the sibling's ages, temperaments, genders and privacy concerns, child development experts say. If you have an infant who gets up frequently through the night and a 4-year-old who's a light sleeper, having them share rooms might lead to some pretty tired, cranky kids and parents. And while having boys and girls share rooms might be fine when they're toddlers, it might turn awkward when they get older and start to have different interests (like a 'princess phase' and a truck obsession) and when they become more aware of their different bodies.

    Growing up, my siblings and I had our own rooms. I've always been a very independent person who values my privacy and solitude and I've usually felt uncomfortable sharing space with roommates. (Moving in with my now-husband was a big learning curve.) Perhaps those traits are a result of my upbringing in my own room.

    But my son will most likely share a room, at least as a toddler, with his future siblings, because it will be tough for my family to afford a bigger house. I also like the idea of my kids sharing a room-I hope it will teach them cooperation and sharing. (Here are some tips for decorating and maximizing space for shared rooms.)

    Readers, what experiences have you had, either as a parent or child, with siblings sharing rooms? Has the economy had any effect on whether your kids will share rooms?


    無論是在全球范圍內(nèi),還是從歷史上看,孩子擁有單獨臥室的情況都不多見,并非普遍規(guī)律。世界上大多數(shù)孩子都是跟兄弟姊妹共用臥室,有時是跟自己的父母。但在美國,這些年來房子越造越大,而每個家庭的子女數(shù)量仍穩(wěn)定在2個左右。據(jù)《華盛頓郵報》援引統(tǒng)計數(shù)字說,1991年,美國家庭住宅平均面積是1,672 平方英尺,有53%的家庭擁有三間或三間以上臥室。到2007年,平均面積上升到1,789平方英尺,臥室不少于三間的家庭比例達到60%.






關(guān)鍵詞: 孩子 房間
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