A Beer-gut gene that gives fellas flabby tummies has been discovered by scientists.
The medical breakthrough proves that guzzling ale is not the only reason why men develop saggy stomachs. They can also inherit from their parents a body make-up much more likely to run to fat.
The beer-gut gene was tracked down by Italian experts. They found that men with a particular variant of it called DD were twice as likely to get fat. And they are also significantly more likely to put on the pounds around their midriff.
Dr Carol Cooper said: "This sounds like a New Year's gift for all those guys who are tubby round the middle but aren't ready to give up the trips to the boozer. You're stuck with the genes you're born with, which could be just the excuse lardy lads who like a drink are looking for."
Dr Pasquale Strazzullo warned the findings might not apply to British men - because the research was based entirely on Italians.