SWISS-PROT - SWISS-PROT annotated protein sequence db
PIR-international -The Protein Information Resource (protein sequence)
MIPS - Martinsried institute for protein sequence and homology data and yeast genome information
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PROSITE - PROSITE dictionary of protein sites and patterns
InterPro - Integrated Resources of Proteins Domains and Functional Sites
DOMO - Protein domain db (Automatically generated)
Pfam - Protein families db (HMM derived) [Mirror at Sanger]
PRINTS - Protein Motif fingerprint db
ProDom - Protein domain db (Automatically generated)
PROTOMAP - An automatic hierarchical classification of SWISS-PROT proteins
SBASE - SBASE domain db (Protein domain sequence library)
SMART - Protein signalling and extracellular domain patterns (Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool)
ProClass - Protein sequence alignments and curation of protein families
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Kabat - Kabat db of protein of immunological interest
PMD - Protein Mutant db
PDB - Protein Data Bank [Mirrors in EBI]
BioMagResBank - Repository for data on proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids from NMR spectroscopy
SWISS-MODEL Repository - Automatically generated protein models db
ModBase - Db of comparative protein structure models
CATH - UCL BSM structural classification of proteins
SCOP - Structural classification of proteins [Mirror at USA | Israel | Singapore | Australia]
Mol_R_Us - Molecules R Us, browser for PDB
BMM Domain Server - Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory (ICRF) protein domain server
PRESAGE - Collaborative resource for structural genomics
ReLiBase - Receptor/ligand complexes db [Mirror in USA]
TOPS - Protein topology atlas
CCDC - Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (Cambridge Stuctural Db (CSD))
HSSP - Homology-derived secondary structure of proteins db
SWISS-3DIMAGE - 3D images of proteins and other biological macromolecules
BioImage - Biological image db (contains imaging data on macromolecules)
WORLD-2DPAGE - A complete index of 2D-PAGE db and servers
Phoretix links - Phoretix page of links to 2D gel db
DIP - Db of Interacting Proteins
INTERACT - Protein-Protein interaction db
ProNet - Protein-Protein interaction db
CANSITE - Signal Transduction's Web
SPAD - Signaling pathway db
CSNDB - Cell Signaling Networks db
DPInteract - DNA-Proteins interactions db